Sunday, November 22, 2015

Ao Haru Ride


Futaba Yoshioka was an extremely cute girl that every guy liked in middle school. However she discovered that other girls disliked her because of this calling her fake and pretending to act cute. In high school Futaba changes her attitude by acting boyish keeping the guys away from her. Everything was going well until she sees a guy that resembles her middle school crush, Kou Mabuchi. Unlike the kind, gentle boy she fell in love with in middle school she Kou now has a different name and is extremely rude to her. However she cannot stay away and the two grow closer with their other classmates. 


I usually don't read shoujo manga but this was sooooooooo adorable. I think I cried at multiple parts and awwwwwed too much at the adorableness. The manga has also been adapted to an anime but I read the manga which had more romantic scenes.

Making a shoujo manga enjoyable means creating characters that the reader can fall in love with. Futaba is extremely caring and dense at times and paired up with Kou's cold honest tone makes them such an adorable couple. The manga goes through many cliches such as, another girl trying to steal the guy away, trying to fall in love with someone else, etc. but seeing two characters you enjoy watching going through their struggles makes it more interesting.

You can tell Kou warming up to Futaba and regaining his lost feelings as she heals him, always being there to comfort him.

The art style is amazing too, it creates a great atmosphere and the design for them main characters are simple but outstanding. I don't want to spoil too much so READ THE MANGA IT'S ADORABLE.


Sunday, October 4, 2015


By now you should notice that there is an otaku who is crazy about anime but talks like a normal person and then there's that other person whofangirls over anime in all her posts... I'M THE FANGIRL WOOHOO! If you thought we had multiple personalities... seriously?

ANYWAY, I was watching Naruto and I was like what the heck is this? It's soooooo boring... BUT I was so wrong. After the anime, I just started the manga because the anime was taking too long (like seriously, the whole is about Naruto getting Sasuke back...)

The manga was like BAM is my mind like WTH WHY IS NARUTO ENDING NOW!?!?!? I rainbow barfed in my mind! The whole thing is about Naruto chasing after Sasuke, yeah, but Naruto and his sad moments where he's all alone and suffering makes my eyes rain like really? Nruto is such a sweet person and all he wants is Sasuke, his one true friend that is his nakama (go tha from One Piece) BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP.

Naruto also has this nine tailed fox inside him which is why everyone stays away from him since the nine tailed fox almost destroyed the whole town until it was locked away in Naruto's body by the hokage. (The nine-tailed fox is in the right upper hand corner)
And Sasuke and his feud with his brother is so cuteeee, like I can see that brotherly love and (SPOILER) when Sasuke's brother died by Sasuke's hands, CRY SOB SNIFFLE SNORT in that order. SO TOUCHING and when Sasuke's brother is revived and Sasuke finds him, THE SUSPENSE.

There's also really funny stuff iin this amnga/anime where Naruto kisses Sasuke by accident and Sakura gets mad jealous like lol, Naruto is always one step ahead of Sakura. It's pretty sad how Sakura never loves Naruto back but NARUTO IS STRONG... HE DOESN'T NEED THAT PINK HAIRED GIRL

Overall, this anime is more about action, building up power to have more action, and action with suspenseful music. Oh, and I almost forgot friendship and comedy.


Monday, August 17, 2015


SUMMARY - Young Gon leaves Whale Island to take the annual Hunter Exam, the exam makes you a hunter with many advantages. He creates great friends on the way and one of them ends up being his best friend and companion for the rest of the anime. Killua and Gon travel together through different arcs with the ultimate goal to find Gon's dad who is one of the world's best hunter.

HunterxHunter is great for anyone who likes anime about adventure and friendship
I personally think that Gon and Killua have one of the best anime friend relationships, they're perfect for each other because of their personalities.

OMG GON AND KILLUA ARE FOREVER TOGETHER (I'm not usually the type for yaoi, but they are totally a couple :P )

The arcs are well put together because of the nice transitions, they easily go from one arc to the next by slowly giving information about the next arc. There's always so much to the story to think about.
The anime is also really realistic, the main characters often don't win against other opponents. They lost several times before finally winning.

Side Note-KILLUA IS ADORABLE!!! He can be strong but gentle and then be smart and calculating. GODS SPEED

All the characters are enjoyable to root for, even Gon's dad

If there was one thing they could improve was the narrating in the Chimera Ant arc. The narrating did tell me a lot about what the characters were thinking but it seemed to distract me from the actual story. It dragged out all the battles in the end, but the characters were so well made that I couldn't hate the main antagonist either.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Yona of the Dawn

Summary- Yona was a pampered princess until her father was killed by her childhood friend. When the country turns against her she escapes with her other longtime friend, Hak. They set out on a journey to find the four dragons that served the original master.

The summary of the anime makes it seem very clique and average, but the characters are designed so that they bring more to the story. It feels like the plot is very straightforward, finding the 4 dragons and reclaiming the throne but Yona grows so much in the process that it's more interesting to watch.

In the beginning of the anime she disobeyed her father and wished to receive whatever she wanted. The brutal struggles of being a fugitive changed her as she sees Hak constantly risking his life in order to protect her. This makes her want to get stronger so she can defend herself.
Personally Yona didn't feel like a heroine who tried too hard to get stronger; she did push herself but the balance was nicely done. Her experience had turned her into a strong, kind, independent woman. The anime ends short on that, but the manga shows her travelling with the dragons, continually helping the kingdom by aiding the commoners.

But....seriously we need some Hak and Yona action here. She's acting as the oblivious, naive herioe who doesn't know that the person closest to her loves her. But slowly she's liking him too while all the characters around them get extremely frustrated.

Shin-ah still the cutest though I LOVE YOU SHINHA

Thursday, July 2, 2015


One word: HOT
Throughout this whole anime, I was drooling and slobbering all over my phone (not literally of course). To people who just enjoy watching hot boy bods swim, you'll love this anime but other people who have lives, I don't think you would want to watch this because more than half of this anime includes half naked boys swimming. The plot is that there were four young boys that met in middle school that loved swimming together but then in high school, one of them, Rin, left the group and only three of them are in the same high school that has no swimming team. Eventually, the three best friends called Haruka, Makoto,  and Nagisa,  start their own swimming team and add Rei to their team. Go,  the sister of Rin, becomes their manager to help them all get back together because Rin has a grudge with them.
My favorite character is Haruka because I just like quiet types that are really intense :D he also swims so freely (see what I did there *Wink wink*) and does what he wants no matter what other people think of him. The drawings are awesome so all their bodies are hot in this anime :D my life has been revived.


DURARARA!! is an anime about an ordinary boy Mikado Ryugamine moves to the town Ikebukuro and meets up with his old friend Kida. Slowly the multiple characters come together in the story to form an even larger story. Each of their backgrounds come together in the abnormal city of Ikebukuro. Characters such as the headless rider, a black market scientist, and color gangs change the town. 
This is one of those anime where you have to watch at least 4 episodes in order for it to become good. If you don't give it a chance it'll never become good because there are so many characters. They take the time to give you the backgrounds of each other the characters which ties to the present. 

The best part about this anime is how everything comes together in the end, Izaya ends up being the one causing everything and pulling the strings while watching everything come into place the way he wanted it to. Like what Izaya said in the beginning, everyone has their own secrets, this is really revealed as the real identity of the 2 students are shown as plot twists. 

Kida as the shogun of the yellow scarves and Mikado as the boss of the Dollars. 
What I never understood was, despite how well the anime wrapped and solved many of it's problems such as the gang fights and power struggles it never showed much about Celty's head. I was disappointed when it became more of a backseat story. Celty may think she no longer needed her head but what were the human experiments the pharmaceutical were doing? Did Izaya provoke 2 gang wars because he'd hope one of them would cause the head to come alive again? Was Shinra's father the one behind Celty fainting and losing her head?
Either way I still stand between the #1 couple in Ikebukuro to be Celty and Shinra or Shizuo and Izaya. The Shinra and Celty moments are adorable and Shizuo and Izaya just hate each other's guts. I wish this anime was longer and dug even deeper into the things surrounding the town. YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY CHECK IT OUT.

Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji)

This anime seriously has no plot whatsoever but the drawings are so damn hot, it makes up for everything the anime is missing. This anime is about a young master named Ciel, who made a contract with a demon who he called Sebastian Michaelis. Ciel made a contract with a demon when he was a little boy cuz he was messed up and cuz he wanted revenge against the queen (which is ironic considering that he is her watchdog). *Let me speak in an elegant manner before while fangirling comes out* While most people consider Sebastopol as SEXY and COOL and AWESOME which they are entitled to think, I LOVE CIEL THE MOST cuz of his eyes and the intricate clothing he wears.
Ciel makes all the plans and is really smart in so many ways (despite the fact that Sebastian had to teach him) and he taught Sebastian how to be a proper Butler (using a spoiled child act). Ciel is the mastermind throughout all theit evil plans while Sebastian carried out the plan, finishing everything off with "I am simply one hell of a butler" with an evil and sexy smile. Oh and just to let you know, Sebastian LOVE cats but Ciel is allergic to them but Ciel did adopt a huge dog for Sebastian to take care of because it amused him (LOL). What makes this anime kind of like a comedy are the three servants that Sebastian hired. They can't actually do anything  that would  be related to housework but they are amazing in fights because the maid can see things really far away while the cook has really good instincts and the gardener has super strength. AND Grell,  or Jack the Ripper, loves Sebastian and in terms of  yaoi,  I ship them even though a lot of people ship Ciel and Sebastian.

The second season was pretty confusing because a whole new set of characters jump in and they all piss me off so much, especially Alois. 
Alois copied Ciel and has a demon butler too :( he takes over Ciel's body (NASTY AND DISGUSTING) and changes those pretty eyes of Ciel's. SOB the horror. WELL anyways there's not much to talk about anymore so watch the anime and is you like it, then the manga is even better :D

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Parasyte-the maxim-

I'd just recently finished the anime Parasyte-the maxim and can honestly say that it's one of the best anime I had ever seen. The plot is about a teenager Shinichi Izumi who gets involved with new organisms named "Parasites" after one failed to take over his head, and ended up becoming his right hand. The hand which he names Migi is a species of organisms who's main goal is to devour humans. They do this by taking over human heads and using them as hosts and continually using humans as a food source. Migi has no emotion being a parasite but he and Shinichi learn to co-exist with one another as they are stuck together for life.

The anime has elements of horror, mystery, action, and a little romance involved. I would strongly recommend it to anyone who is looking to watch an anime that will bring out all the feelings.

                                                       ---SPOILERS after this point---

Honestly, this anime made me cry more then Angel Beats because it was not solely based on a foundation of sadness. The way it follows Shinichi from an awkward high school to a cold matured adult was done incredibly well. His mother's death did not seem rushed or too slow, it was perfectly portrayed and a great way to transition. I found it interesting how much they added elements of school and his "normal" life. Personally, I feel like whenever an anime deals with supernatural occurrences they tend to not add these elements. But we are always reminded of how distrupted his normal life is after parasites came to be.

The anime also asks so many real questions about what humans are doing to the world. By the end I really liked Migi and Shinichi's partnership, especially after he rescued Murano. Even though Migi is suppose to be emotionless, being around Shinichi and bonding together made them both better people. I honestly thought the anime was going to end on a sad note with Migi and Shinichi dying and Murano left with Shinichi's unborn child. They also didn't leave as many untied ends, such as the serial killer. Although I really wanted to know what happened to the baby and if Shinichi will ever tell Murano what happened, to explain his weird behavior and change.
Overall, I didn't find this anime boring at all. Sometimes animes talk and get psychological with multiple monologues and thoughts. While this one had that it also had so much action and thought that you begin to like it so much. Each death was painful and the author was so great at making you like the character before they died. Overall rate 100/10. ;-; One of the best endings in an anime I've seen, bittersweet, but not so sad that you feel like strangling the author.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Kuroko no Basuke (some spoilers after the summary!)

I recently finished the anime Kuroko no Basuke and it has been the anime I have watch through the quickest. The anime is about a generation of prodigies who played for the same middle school and have dubbed themselves the "Generations of Miracles". While most of the players have gone onto recognizable schools the Phantom sixth man of the group has joined Seirin high school. Kuroko Tetsuya has agreed to make Kagami Taiga the best player in Japan. The story evolves a lot from there and it is interesting to watch because of the fast paced "battles". Although the matches between the schools are exaggerated as each player has almost a special move they have named. It makes the matches even more like a battle in an anime. They use the moral that hard work can overcome natural talent.
The large range of characters in this anime makes it even more fun to watch, you begin to cheer for not only Seirin but some of the other teams. Because the anime was based on basketball many people would think that it wouldn't be interesting to watch if they didn't like basketball, but you don't need to like or know about the sport to watch the anime. I didn't know anything about basketball except the basics and it was still enjoyable to watch.

It's weird how the name of the anime is Kuroko's basketball even though the anime is hardly about him, it may have been Kuroko to begin the transformation of all the members but he himself plays a small part on the court. Personally my favorite character is Aomine Daiki, his attitude and style of playing is the best to watch.

Instead of a tradition style the sleek movement makes his play different from everyone else's. The author's efforts into making a personality for over 20 characters make the days go by faster as you want to finish the next battle and the next battle. Currently the anime is up to the point where they show the old Generation of Miracles. Akashi's transformation will likely take place here. His ability the "Emperor's Eye" is one of the more unrealistic abilities of all the GoM. I would have liked to see the Kuroko no Basuke Repeats to be made into a OVA since the matches are usually back to back. You hardly get to see the characters out of the basketball court.


The innocent little puppy was one of the best additions to the anime, and his small cameos in the episodes are always adorable...even when he peed in Midorima's cart.
The anime FINALLY finished and I'd just like to say how AWESOME it was - everyone has to watch it, seriously. At the last game where Akashi told Kuroko that Kuroko is not a shadow anymore with those flashy moves he used in the past, man did I get depressed and passed at Akashi. But that's not the important part because in the last episode (SOB why cruel world!?) Kuroko totally has the ball and uses his cool drive to pass the ball to Kagami. The coolest part is when he says (in a SASSY way) to Akashi, "I am the shadow" (or something like that cuz seriously,  I'm not going all the way back to the anime since I'm on my phone) and DAMN was it nice when Akashi started crying. FEEL THE PAIN! BURN BABY! Just joking, I love Akashi too. Heck I LOVE THE WHOLE GENERATION OF MIRACLES but I'll always have a special place for you Kuroko and number 2.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Angel Beats!

Angel Beats! was a lot like the movie Inception because it was about people who died in the real world being reborn in an afterlife where they cannot die. The characters can feel the pain of their deaths but eventually, they heal from their wounds and continue with their ageless lives. In the beginning, there is a boy named Otonashi (who does not remember his surname) meets a girl, Yuri Nakamura,  who is pointing a gun at another girl, Angel, from the top of a school building. Otonashi has lost all of his memories and finds out that he cannot die but he can be obliterated and disappear from the world. He will never age and will continue to be a high school student until he gets obliterated. PLUS their enemy is Angel who they call Tenshou but she is so much prettier than the other characters and it's kind of sad how she is always lonely but she has these awesome powers that none of the others in the world have.
Oh, and something important is that most of the people in the anime are stupid in a funny way with 3 exceptions I think...

BUT who cares about the first episode!?!?
The last episode was TOO SAD this tragedy anime is too deep for me I almost started crying and I'm still reminiscing over the obliteration of Angel. Otonashi was still grabbing for her and OMG HE FOUND SOMEONE LIKE HER AT THE END AND THEN THAT DAMNED LIFE LIME THING SHOW ED UP AND THE ANIME WAS OVER. I still have so many questions! How will I survive? IS OTONASHI STUCK THERE FOREVER? WHO THE HECK IS THAT GIRL? And I can't believe Angel left him!!! I'm so angry over her but why didn't Otonashi leave with her? IDK WHAT HE REGRETS NOW!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lovely Complex

Lovely Complex's genre may be different from the animes previously talked about. Spoilers may be used, so when a spoiler is about to happen a warning will be given. The basic plot of the anime is about a girl named Risa and a guy named Otani who decide to help each other to get their crushes. But eventually Risa falls for Otani and the complex part is where Risa is taller then the average girl and Otani is shorter then the average guy. Overall, it's a really sweet anime and although the eyes are rounder then other anime I've watched it looks more realistic. SPOILER It's always said to see Risa rejected over and over again by Otani but eventually him trying to gain her love after she gets infatuated over her teacher. I find it funny how he denies he's doing it because he likes her and as soon as Risa thinks he likes her she teases him about it. But that's what makes them well matched, he tolerates her emotional breakdowns and she's the more romantic one between them.(spoiler over) Despite the obvious height gap between them, the two get along really well, the chemistry between them as they argue and Otani's rough character cancel's out Risa's day-dreaming, egg-head personality (no offense Risa!). It's a good anime to check out if you want some fluffiness...but first you have to feel frustrated and exasperated. HAVE FUN WATCHING (if you couldn't read half of the paragraph because you didn't watch it yet.)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin)

Well the first thing I would like to say is I love Levi and Mikasa so much that I would even let them be together as a couple. I mean, they are both so good at killing and they both have black hair and they are both so fabulous. Even though Mikasa's crush on Eren is cute, I like the relationship between the two elite titan killers even more. But I guess Mikasa can be in love with Eren but Mikasa and Levi have to be siblings just to make everything better for my mind.

Attack on Titan is maonly about three characters that are childhood friends, Eren, Mikasa , and Arvin.  Eren has a strong will about killing Titans be cause his mother was eaten by them right in front of him. Mikasa is athletic and can kill Titans easily, making her a prodigy and valued soldiet.  She also loves Eren and loves the scarf he gave her when they were young after Eren saved her from these murderers that killed her parents. Arvin is a genius and helps plan strategies. Together, they make the most awesome team ever. 
It was very dramatic when Eren was eaten by a Titan but like in every other anime and manga, he comes back stronger than ever as a Titan himself!!! The best scenes in my opinion were when Levi and Mikasa fight against the female titan because they FINALLY notice each other and when Eren fights against Annie who was the female titan all along!!! I continued to the manga and I got a HUGE SPOILER FOR ALL OF YOU WHO DIDN'T READ THE MANGA! Well, remember the two boys who helped Eren in balancing on the gear? WELL, they are Titans on the same team as Annie! OMG I LOVE SPOILING STUFF and then they kidnap Eren and recruit another girl titan on their team that I will not tell you about so you will have to read the manga.

One Piece

MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD (plus this is a paper that I had to hand it so it will sound weird):

One Piece is the key to the secret garden of overwhelming emotions that mentally scar one inside forever. It is an anime that provides a variety of overwhelming emotions that paralyzes one mentally and physically. For instance, a very special scene in the whole 674 episodes made mentally impaired everyone who watched the whole anime. To begin, one needs to know the drama of the scene which started before this masterpiece of a scene. It all started with the long war between the Pirates and the Marines who were racing over to the Grand Line where there is a final treasure that the famous pirate Gold Roger left behind. Through hopes and dreams, the two brothers, Ace and Luffy, become pirates and leave in separate ways. Later on, Ace ends up in Whitebeard’s crew which is the strongest pirate crew in the whole world while Luffy becomes the captain of a new crew he made, the Straw Hats (because his straw hat means a lot to him). Speeding forward a bit, Luffy becomes separated from his crew after losing an unfair, mortifying fight against one of the strongest people in the world who was working for the government. Thus, this left Luffy all alone to face his own hardships and misfortunes of the most touching and melancholy scene in the whole anime: when he finds out Ace is captured and to be executed by the Marines. This masterpiece of a scene begins to show its beauty when Whitebeard’s whole crew and powerful allies come to a showdown with the most powerful people the Marines have. This intensity and suspense is greatly escalated when Luffy joins the ultimate battle because Luffy represents hope when it comes to this anime. Eventually, Ace is freed because of Luffy and their reunion, smiling faces, and teamwork is just too outrageously emotional that it would bring tears to one’s eyes. This temporary ecstasy and delight is crushed right when Ace takes a hit for Luffy and has an enormous hole straight through his body and all of these appalling events happen right in front of Luffy. This tortured feeling of shock, anger, and bitterness worsens as Luffy begs for help, whispering at first and then screaming with an obvious tremble in his voice. This scene was dreadful in comparison to all the other heartwarming times in the anime but it impacted the anime so much that it scars the mind of one who watches it. After this scene, there is a finale of Ace and Luffy and how they survived in the forest with mountain robbers by fighting all sorts of creatures to get stronger. Each second one watches it, the deeper the mental wound of Ace’s death stabs in. This is because it represented the bond of Luffy and Ace’s brotherhood and how thick their connection was with one another, causing the viewers to mourn and grieve with Luffy when Luffy starts crying and screaming over Ace’s death. Thus, One Piece is an anime that causes one to experience emotions from deep inside their heart, inflicting great impact on one’s life.

For the pepole who didn't watch or read One Piece yet, it is about a boy who ate a devil's fruit that gave him the abilities to stretch as if he were rubber. You can only know what the abilities are after eating the frunit but some people have books that identify the fruits and its abilies. The boy's name is Monkey D. Lugly and his major goal is to become the best pirate ever by retrieving One Piece, the major treasure that everyone wants their hands on. The treasure was left by the legendary pirate Gold D. Roger who told everyone about the riches left there before he was executed by the Marines. Luffy's will never fails and he keeps on getting stronger on the way with the help of his strong crew named the Straw Hats. It's namenamed the Straw Hats because Luffy lives his straw hat from a legendary pirate who saved his life when he was young named Shanks. Luffy promised Shanks to become the best pirate ever when he returns the hat which is another reason why he wants One Piece. The fights are EPIC and the number of episodes currently are all worth watching. It is an action and comedy anime so Naruto and Bleach fans should come along and watch the awesomeness of One Piece. 

No Game No Life

I recently finished No Game No Life and I think I speak for everyone who watched this anime when I say there needs to be a season 2. All I really want to say is:

I love you Blank, you and your beautiful faces. Please have a second season out because I'm dehydrating and starving from the lack of episodes there are.



Bleach is an amazingly captivating anime and highly suspenseful anime. Although it is disappointing to see that the anime has stopped, the manga continues to thrive. It shows the AWESOME adventure of Kurosaki Ichigo who becomes stronger and more experienced by every passing fight. . It starts with Ichigo always having this awesome spirit power thay allows him to see ghosts and hollows which eat souls. Rukia, an awesome girl shinigami comed along and gives Ichigo her powers where he has this HUGE ass sword, making him a substitute shinigami (yay!). More awesome people are fought along the way that makes Ichigo even stronger and experienced and even the bad people in Bleach are awesome and hard to hate, like Ulquerrio.
My favorite characters in the anime are Kuchiki Byakuya and Toshiro Hitsugaya just because they are awesome to me and have that cool personality and manner in talking and fighting. I also love Gin when I found out he was not working with Aizen and that he has a relationship with Matsumoto.
Toshiro Hitsugaya

Kuchiking Byakuya
(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS COMING ALONG and if you havent watched Bleach or read it yet, you probably wouldnt understand what I'm talking about anyway) My favorite part of Bleach is when Kurosaki Ichigo had his powers refilled because I have to admit the events where he was not a shinigami was pretty sad and boring. BUT the part where he was doing his final getsuga tenshou was pretty awesome-not only the action but how he looked. 
Even though this part is one of the best parts ever, Ichigo is still awesome in his Hollow form and distinctly makes him the BEST SHINIGAMI EVER. But of course, there are always awesome captains and lieutenants in the Spirit world where are the cool shinigami chill out. 

OVERALL, Bleach is a MUST WATCH because it is not an anime that drags everything out on and on. It is full of thriving action that makes one want to read the manga and regret that the anime has ever ended with the pretty drawings and colors. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Hi readers! We are in no way real or professional reviewers. These posts are our way of sharing our passion for anime and manga. The anime and manga shown are going to be random and recommendations would be taken. If there is a spoiler we will warn you (LOL most of this is going to be a huge spoiler anyway). Enjoy!