Sunday, October 4, 2015


By now you should notice that there is an otaku who is crazy about anime but talks like a normal person and then there's that other person whofangirls over anime in all her posts... I'M THE FANGIRL WOOHOO! If you thought we had multiple personalities... seriously?

ANYWAY, I was watching Naruto and I was like what the heck is this? It's soooooo boring... BUT I was so wrong. After the anime, I just started the manga because the anime was taking too long (like seriously, the whole is about Naruto getting Sasuke back...)

The manga was like BAM is my mind like WTH WHY IS NARUTO ENDING NOW!?!?!? I rainbow barfed in my mind! The whole thing is about Naruto chasing after Sasuke, yeah, but Naruto and his sad moments where he's all alone and suffering makes my eyes rain like really? Nruto is such a sweet person and all he wants is Sasuke, his one true friend that is his nakama (go tha from One Piece) BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP.

Naruto also has this nine tailed fox inside him which is why everyone stays away from him since the nine tailed fox almost destroyed the whole town until it was locked away in Naruto's body by the hokage. (The nine-tailed fox is in the right upper hand corner)
And Sasuke and his feud with his brother is so cuteeee, like I can see that brotherly love and (SPOILER) when Sasuke's brother died by Sasuke's hands, CRY SOB SNIFFLE SNORT in that order. SO TOUCHING and when Sasuke's brother is revived and Sasuke finds him, THE SUSPENSE.

There's also really funny stuff iin this amnga/anime where Naruto kisses Sasuke by accident and Sakura gets mad jealous like lol, Naruto is always one step ahead of Sakura. It's pretty sad how Sakura never loves Naruto back but NARUTO IS STRONG... HE DOESN'T NEED THAT PINK HAIRED GIRL

Overall, this anime is more about action, building up power to have more action, and action with suspenseful music. Oh, and I almost forgot friendship and comedy.