Thursday, July 2, 2015


One word: HOT
Throughout this whole anime, I was drooling and slobbering all over my phone (not literally of course). To people who just enjoy watching hot boy bods swim, you'll love this anime but other people who have lives, I don't think you would want to watch this because more than half of this anime includes half naked boys swimming. The plot is that there were four young boys that met in middle school that loved swimming together but then in high school, one of them, Rin, left the group and only three of them are in the same high school that has no swimming team. Eventually, the three best friends called Haruka, Makoto,  and Nagisa,  start their own swimming team and add Rei to their team. Go,  the sister of Rin, becomes their manager to help them all get back together because Rin has a grudge with them.
My favorite character is Haruka because I just like quiet types that are really intense :D he also swims so freely (see what I did there *Wink wink*) and does what he wants no matter what other people think of him. The drawings are awesome so all their bodies are hot in this anime :D my life has been revived.


DURARARA!! is an anime about an ordinary boy Mikado Ryugamine moves to the town Ikebukuro and meets up with his old friend Kida. Slowly the multiple characters come together in the story to form an even larger story. Each of their backgrounds come together in the abnormal city of Ikebukuro. Characters such as the headless rider, a black market scientist, and color gangs change the town. 
This is one of those anime where you have to watch at least 4 episodes in order for it to become good. If you don't give it a chance it'll never become good because there are so many characters. They take the time to give you the backgrounds of each other the characters which ties to the present. 

The best part about this anime is how everything comes together in the end, Izaya ends up being the one causing everything and pulling the strings while watching everything come into place the way he wanted it to. Like what Izaya said in the beginning, everyone has their own secrets, this is really revealed as the real identity of the 2 students are shown as plot twists. 

Kida as the shogun of the yellow scarves and Mikado as the boss of the Dollars. 
What I never understood was, despite how well the anime wrapped and solved many of it's problems such as the gang fights and power struggles it never showed much about Celty's head. I was disappointed when it became more of a backseat story. Celty may think she no longer needed her head but what were the human experiments the pharmaceutical were doing? Did Izaya provoke 2 gang wars because he'd hope one of them would cause the head to come alive again? Was Shinra's father the one behind Celty fainting and losing her head?
Either way I still stand between the #1 couple in Ikebukuro to be Celty and Shinra or Shizuo and Izaya. The Shinra and Celty moments are adorable and Shizuo and Izaya just hate each other's guts. I wish this anime was longer and dug even deeper into the things surrounding the town. YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY CHECK IT OUT.

Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji)

This anime seriously has no plot whatsoever but the drawings are so damn hot, it makes up for everything the anime is missing. This anime is about a young master named Ciel, who made a contract with a demon who he called Sebastian Michaelis. Ciel made a contract with a demon when he was a little boy cuz he was messed up and cuz he wanted revenge against the queen (which is ironic considering that he is her watchdog). *Let me speak in an elegant manner before while fangirling comes out* While most people consider Sebastopol as SEXY and COOL and AWESOME which they are entitled to think, I LOVE CIEL THE MOST cuz of his eyes and the intricate clothing he wears.
Ciel makes all the plans and is really smart in so many ways (despite the fact that Sebastian had to teach him) and he taught Sebastian how to be a proper Butler (using a spoiled child act). Ciel is the mastermind throughout all theit evil plans while Sebastian carried out the plan, finishing everything off with "I am simply one hell of a butler" with an evil and sexy smile. Oh and just to let you know, Sebastian LOVE cats but Ciel is allergic to them but Ciel did adopt a huge dog for Sebastian to take care of because it amused him (LOL). What makes this anime kind of like a comedy are the three servants that Sebastian hired. They can't actually do anything  that would  be related to housework but they are amazing in fights because the maid can see things really far away while the cook has really good instincts and the gardener has super strength. AND Grell,  or Jack the Ripper, loves Sebastian and in terms of  yaoi,  I ship them even though a lot of people ship Ciel and Sebastian.

The second season was pretty confusing because a whole new set of characters jump in and they all piss me off so much, especially Alois. 
Alois copied Ciel and has a demon butler too :( he takes over Ciel's body (NASTY AND DISGUSTING) and changes those pretty eyes of Ciel's. SOB the horror. WELL anyways there's not much to talk about anymore so watch the anime and is you like it, then the manga is even better :D